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A Dog with a bad burn injury got to Jivdaya Charitable Trust

September 5, 2014

A case of absolute Inhumanity was brought to JCT,

A Dog with an Acid wound was bought to us. He was burnt so badly that its scull was visible the skin from over his head and neck had been completely burnt and gone. There was no trace of skin to be found over there… The doctors here gave it all the medical attention possible, but sadly the dog succumbed to the injury and passed away in a few days.

This case brought out the horror of absolute human cruelty, how inhumanity and hatred of some people cost this poor old dog his life.

What did this dog do, to have deserved this Horrifying end?

The skull of the dog visible due to the burn injury.
The skull of the dog visible due to the burn injury.

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